Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Solo Play Date.

While I'm on the subject of Lizzie growing up...

About a month ago, when Matthew and Seth were out with Geoff somewhere, Lizzie was invited on her fist, 90-minute, solo play date...to play with her big, eight-year-old cousin.  The guys were all in the van, so Lizzie got to ride in the booster seat of the car (which was a big deal, let me tell you!) and she was almost hyper-ventilating about going by herself on a play date.  She jumped up and down and clapped her hands and could not contain her excitement.

(I actually felt like jumping up and down, too, because her play date meant that I'd have 60-90 minutes at home...by myself.  I tried not to show it but I'm pretty sure I was as excited as she was!)

Left - Lizzie figured out how to strap herself into the big-kid booster seat in the car - but don't worry, I fixed it before we left!  Can you see the excitement on her face??!
Right - when we got to my sister's house, Lizzie tore up the sidewalk and streeetched up to the door bell...she really, really did not want any help now that she was big enough to go on a play date by herself!
Finally, she was with her special big cousin...they adore each other, and I think they had a great time!!

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