Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A Brave New World

Well, I have now done what I never in a million years thought I would do:  in a moment of something akin to a feeling of joyful abandonment (or resignation!), I opened up my blog to many more people than the handful of people I'd previously told about my blog.  It's terrifying...and somehow also natural and exhilirating.

What I realize, having learned with amazement that over 150 people have checked out my blog in the past eight hours, is that blogging is simply a modern way of making and keeping friends - it's about being involved with the lives of other people whom one might never otherwise meet.  Online communities are both diverse and unique in their focus and appeal, and I have found by following many other blogs that they can be very enriching, supportive parts of one's life.  I am grateful to have made many friends and aquaintances in this manner already, throughout the country, and I am honoured if some are also interested in hearing tidbits of my life as we journey this road called life together. all of you who have been reading my blog today, I look forward to connecting with you.  Welcome friends!


  1. I have enjoyed your insightful comments on the yahoo board for the past year, though I rarely post anything. I am very happy to now be able to follow your blog.I love it when people leave comments on my blog, and most of them I recognize from regular comments over the past year. Others are newer because I have disovered their blogs recently and left comments there and then they read mine and leave me comments too. It's great fun! Welcome to the blogging world. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Good Morning Ruth,
    So glad to hear with you as well. Over the summer I feel you have very much become one of my friends and it is such a good feeling to know that I have found some friends that have lived the same joy and heartbreak since July.
    I keep thinking of our staff over in Ethiopia this week and hope they are all doing well.
    Have a great day
    Shannon K.

  3. Thanks Alysia and Shannon. I love having online friends and would love to make them face-to-face friendships some day! There are certainly many things we would have in common.

    Alysia, I would love to know your blog address so that I can also follow your blog, too.



  4. Hi Ruth, welcome the the BIG blog world! I have not read all your posts yet but I am happy to be able to follow along with your journey to Ethiopia.

  5. Thanks for becoming a follower Kendra - I was thrilled to see that!

  6. I'm so glad you went public with your blog! :)
    I'm looking forward to getting to know you better!
