Friday, July 23, 2010

A Renaissance Man/ least when it comes to Sports

Matthew has been in tennis camp this week.  Yes, I know Mom:  another camp; and yes, another full-day one at that.  Yes, I know I should have known better than this, given the meltdowns I was exposed to after the full day adventure camp experience of a couple of weeks ago.  But what can I say?  I booked this months ago, before I knew what full day camp would result in.  I was ambitious for this summer, thinking that this was Matthew's chance to have a school-like experience: lots of other kids around the same age (after all, everyone always asks me about how one socializes a homeschooler!); doing organized, mostly-fun activities; being away from home; blah, blah, blah.  He's supposed to go to one last all-day camp in August, a science camp he's been looking forward to; but I may end up cancelling that one...simply because he's had the experience now, and that may be enough for one year.

Actually, tennis camp is better than the adventure day camp for one specific reason:  Matthew's beloved cousin, M, is in attendance with him this week.  When I left them there at camp on day 1, they were heading off to the tennis courts together, hand in hand and heads close together, chatting non stop. Sweet.  As brave as he's been to go to adventure and basketball camps without knowing another soul, I think it's been a bit more relaxing and relieving for Matthew having M there.  They're only five weeks apart in age and they know each other very well...for better and for worse, depending on the day!

A year ago, my little munchkin would rather have been picking dandelions for his mother (bless him!) and collecting insects in his pockets, than playing baseball or any other sport.  But this year, it's like he's on fire, consuming every sport he's been exposed to:  three-on-three hockey (hey, we're not talking about ability here, just his love of it!); baseball; tennis; and a smattering of soccer.  He's also in the process of learning how to ride his bike without training wheels, and next week, we start daily swimming lessons!

So why does it sometimes take him to 10:00 pm to fall asleep at night, with an 8:00 bedtime and plenty of consistent wind-down routines?  The kid must be exhausted after all of this daily activity...or maybe that's just his chauffeur sleeping at the wheel!

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